Happy Birthday to MEEEEE (well, technically it was yesterday – but I celebrate all month long). Yesterday, I turned 25. TWENTY FIVE. I am a quarter of a century girl. My twenties have been just absolutely amazing. A month after I turned 20, I met Adam. We got married a few months after I turned 21 and I graduated college. We moved to St. Louis at 22. Bought our first home and got pregnant at 23. Jack was born when I was 24. Every year has had something absolutely amazing happen – I have no idea how 25 is going to possibly live up to them! I want to share 25 fun facts about me and show some of the BEAUTIFUL photos from my birthday photo shoot this year (as well as the fabulous vendors involved). Let’s dive into this.


Some of these are probably ones I’ve mentioned before – but hopefully enough of them are brand new to everyone!

  1. My favorite number is 9. I used to hate it because I was more of a 0 and 5 kinda girl but it just keeps cropping up in my life so it’s gotta mean something. My birthday is the 19th, my wedding anniversary is the 9th and Jack’s birthday is the 9th. Those are some of my favorite days so I’ve decided to embrace it and also I love that it’s divisible by 3. LOL.
  2. I have specific candle scents for certain times of the year. I like sugar cookie or cake scented candles in January for my birthday. Romantic scents like the Cashmere & Cedarwood scent from Abboo Candles for February (Valentine’s Day). March/April/May are more fresh lemony scents for spring. June/July/August I love the Volcano Candle from Anthropologie (it’s very citrus-y). September/October/November, I go for a apple cinnamon or spiced chai scent for fall. AND for Christmas I like a nice, crisp pine scent like a freshly chopped Christmas tree. 
  3. I have four calendars/planners. I have one big one on my wall in my office that I mark important dates on (birthdays, vacations, date nights, etc). I have Trello for all of my business to-dos. I have a physical blog content planner because there is still just something about brainstorming on a piece of paper with a pen. AND I have my personal planner on my iPad for things not related to business (dr appts, lunches with friends, etc.). I love them all.
  4. I keep all important cards. I have our wedding invitation, rsvp card, bridal shower invite, baby shower invite, all of our Christmas cards, and our college graduation announcement. I don’t know what to do with them so I keep them in a drawer at my desk. I will never throw them away. I also have a few very special cards from over the years – birthday cards with sentimental notes from friends or family in them, love notes from Adam, wedding cards. I just can’t get rid of them.
  5. I still have my first positive pregnancy test. There was a time when I thought that maybe I’d never get to see those two positive lines on a pregnancy test. I cherish that little pink stick and it is a reminder to me that there is always a bigger plan.
  6. I wear contacts/glasses! I cannot see without them. My dad and sister are WAY more blind than I am but I can’t function or legally drive unless I have my contacts in or glasses on. Adam has 20/20 vision and he likes to remind me of that all. the. time.
  7. Adam and I actually met a whole year before we officially went on a first date – and I don’t even remember him!!! I was actually on a date with another guy at the time (and having the worst time) and he borrowed Adam’s car to take me out in. So I technically met Adam and rode in his car a full year before meeting him for real. LOL. I vaguely remember getting the keys to his car but honestly, I was so miserable I think I blocked the whole night out.
  8. I am a very organized traveller. If I take a vacation – I jam pack as much as humanely possible into it. Vacations are not for resting – they’re for adventuring and making memories. I typically have binders, folders and detailed lists for each trip we take. Adam has learned to just go with the flow and trust I have everything we need to have an amazing trip. I take care of all reservations, travel documents, etc. 
  9. I knew Jack was a boy long before we had our anatomy scan. I don’t know how I knew – but from the second I took the pregnancy test, I just knew we were having a little boy! And I was right! 
  10. I love gyros. In fact – that was my birthday dinner last night!! There is a fabulous gyro restaurant about 15 minutes away from us that I would eat at several times a week if I could. Mouth is watering right now, in fact.
  11. I am enneagram 3 – the ACHIEVER! It is very appropriate for me and I was not at all surprised with the outcome. I mean – my blog title does say Ambitious.
  12. I am a Capricorn! I am not huge into astrology but I always have found it really fascinating. I think there is a lot of truth in it and I personally believe it goes hand in hand with my faith. God created the universe and I believe he created it to be intricate and amazing. 
  13. I hate dark chocolate. It is bitter and gross. Milk chocolate all the way forever and you can fight me on it.
  14. I am very predictable with my Starbucks order. Is it spring/summer? Pink Drink. Is it winter? Hazelnut Hot Chocolate or Salted Caramel Steamer. 
  15. I wanted to tell Adam I loved him about a month before he was ready – but I waited it out so he could say it first. Then I blurted out ILOVEYOU really fast and very loudly in response. Took him by surprise LOL.
  16. I have read the entire Harry Potter series over 10 times. I used to read them consistently every summer, but #adultlife has put a halt on that the last two years.
  17. I am obsessed with Whoppers. 10/10 my favorite candy. I love malt – which is why Chocolate Malts are my favorite shake, too. If I have to pick a movie snack – it’s going to be Whoppers!
  18. I also love Fun Dip. You can only get it around Valentine’s Day and Adam always makes sure I’m stocked up for weeks. I KNOW it’s pure sugar but I love it. 
  19. I HATE sleeping with socks on. There is a graveyard of socks stuffed at the foot of our bed from me taking my socks off in my sleep. I always find them all when I wash our sheets. #whoops
  20. I used to HATE nail polish – and now I can’t stand when my nails aren’t painted! I love a really pretty neutral gel and chances are that’s what is on my nails! I’ve been trying to branch out the last year with fun designs and colors, though. I bought my own gel light and gel polishes because I love doing it!
  21. I am not a huge perfume wearer. Occasionally I’ll put some on for date night, but I often forget about it!!! I have a few scents that I enjoy but that’s about it!
  22. I’ve taken up embroidery as a hobby and I LOVE IT! It’s super relaxing and a lot of fun. I feel so accomplished when I’m done.
  23. I have a latex allergy. One time, I went swimming with dolphins in Florida and they had us wear neoprene wet suits. When I got out of the water I lifted my arms up and I was covered in red rashes all up the back of my arms from the latex in the neoprene!! The on-site medic said they’d never had anyone with a reaction the entire time the attraction had been open.       
  24. I have really tiny ear canals that trap air in when I ride on planes (doctors have always said my ears look like puppy dog ears on the inside) – so they don’t depressurize like other people’s ears. Riding on planes is extremely painful for me! No amount of chewing gum, headphone, yawning or swallowing makes my ears pop. Sometimes they’ll stay plugged for weeks even after I’ve landed back on the ground.
  25. I think being a mom is the COOLEST job I’ve ever had. I didn’t expect to love being a mom so much – but I knew immediately when we found out we were pregnant that I was going to be completely in love with this baby. Spoiler alert: I’d die for this kid. He is my world and being his mama is the absolute best thing I’ve ever done. 


Party Hop Shop

The girls at Party Hop Shop were AMAZING to work with – so sweet and SO willing to accommodate my ideas. They built my balloon arch, supplied the fun 36in balloon + tassel and the happy birthday sign! They made this SO easy. They sell easy party kits to put together your own fun event and they all do custom event decorating. I know who I’ll be calling for Jack’s first birthday!!

*note: there was supposed to be a “25” vinyl on the large pink balloon but due to user error *this was a me problem* I couldn’t get it on. Party Hop Shop has lots of fun customizable vinyls you can use for your party and I am SURE you will have much better luck than I did!!*


Catherine’s Cakery

Catherine is SO TALENTED. Just take a look through her instagram or Facebook page and you’ll see what I mean. I came to her with a vague idea of what I wanted for the cake and she totally brought it to life. She incorporated all of my favorite desserts (cookie cake, macarons, chocolate covered pretzels) and made them actual art. The cake was beautiful and as my entire family will attest: delicious. 


Shop Hopes

I love this boutique!! I first worked with them last year around fall time, and I just LOVE their shop. They always have the best sweaters, denim collection and they always have adorable shoes. This skirt and body suit combo is SO flattering and absolutely darling on. They have their full Valentine’s collection live right now and there is a red lace bodysuit that is to DIE for. The team is super sweet and I love working with them. They’re always one of my first stops for special occasion outfits when I need one! Just WAIT until you see the jumpsuit I’m wearing from them for Valentine’s Day. It’s incredible!


I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me!!! I love writing these because it kind of gives me something to look back on and remember little things about myself at this point in my life. I am so grateful to have another year under my belt. I am going to try to make 25 one of my best ones yet!!

What is a fun fact about you!? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Okay okay so I’ve wished you a happy birthday like several times on Insta and even on Facebook and now here I am again saying that I hope you had a splendid birthday. You certainly deserve it. Also, I LOVED reading more about you and these cute and quirky things that make you YOU. It was so fun read! Here’s hoping this is your best year yet!

  2. Happy 25th B-day Taylor. Already?! I’ll never get past you being the age you were as a bride! You are really an accomplished, confident young woman. Let’s see, what can I tell you about myself? On the inside- I still feel as though I’m in my 20’s. I love being with my family and cherish the time we can spend together. I am laid-back around a lot of people and prefer to watch the party unfold. I have done crafts in the past; hand embroidery, knitting but especially like crochet, cross stitch and love to sew and I especially enjoy machine-embroidering with my Baby-Lock embroidery machine.
    Best wishes for 25 in 2020! Love you, Auntie Barbie

    1. Auntie Barbie!! Thank you so much. 25 is crazy, right?! You are a joy. Love you lots. Thank you for sharing these fun things about you!!!! I love that you enjoy embroidery too!

  3. Happy Birthday, and it was so fun to read all these facts about you! We apparently have very different vacaioning styles – I’m definitely a “just go and see what happens”/not a planner type of vacationer, though I wish I were more like you and super organized!

  4. Happy Birthday, girl!! It was so fun to read more about you. We got married and had a baby around the same time actually! And sorry to hear that your ears pop on planes and stay that way for so long…that must be miserable! Either way, tons of fun quirky things about you!

  5. OK girl you and I cannot be more different with number 19! I literally will not go to sleep if I don’t have my socks on!!! But I agree with you on number 25! It’s my favorite thing in the world too! Happy Birthday beautiful girl! You look so great after having that baby!

  6. I’m LOVING all this insight into who you are and all the fun, unique things that make you truly YOU! Such a fun post! Also, I hate sleeping with socks too! And, I’ve heard great things about Trello! Makes me want to use it haha. Happiest of (now belated) Birthdays to you! I hope it was wonderful! ????????
    Xx, Morgs*

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