Allison is truly one of my favorite people. She is SO incredibly genuine – and just one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. She is a mama and a business owner and she is getting really raw with us today!
Real + Raw Confessions of a Working Mom with Allison Marie
Today’s episode focuses on the real and raw part of being a working mom with Allison – a 5th grade teacher, youtuber and new(ish) mom – you can find her on YouTube at themissalliecakes and on Instagram at allisonwondderland. We discuss mom guilt, building a support system, baby blues and postpartum anxiety, and how all of that ties in together with working, either from home or out in the workforce. This episode is more concentrated on the behind-the-scenes feelings working moms often have and how you can work through them and come out stronger on the other side.
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- Allie got her start on YouTube filming unboxings – as a fun side hustle to compliment her teaching career. She started back when “YouTube” as a career wasn’t even really a thing.
- When she put out her first video she remembers waking up and seeing that FIVE people had watched her video. While that may seem small for us NOW – she was absolutely thrilled.
- We need to realize that it DOESN’T MATTER THE QUANTITY but the QUALITY of those who are watching you / paying for your service / buying your products.
- In this day, we get really caught up in how many followers/subscribers/clients/etc.
- If we ONLY focus on the numbers and not the experience, you will ultimate not reach the success you are looking for.
- Make sure that you are ENJOYING what you are doing above all else.
- If you want to do something, the biggest advice we can offer is this: JUST DO IT. Put yourself out there!
- You will never get better or improve or grow if you never start to begin with.
- The best thing you can do for yourself is try.
- Because even if you fail – so what? You end up right back where you started in the first place and you get to try something new.
- When she put out her first video she remembers waking up and seeing that FIVE people had watched her video. While that may seem small for us NOW – she was absolutely thrilled.
- Women have a lot of pressure put on them to not only have children – but to have multiple children and that can be really heavy on some women.
- If you WANT more than one child – that’s amazing. Good for you for being comfortable and excited about that decision.
- If you DON’T want more than one child – that’s great, too! Good for you for being comfortable and happy with that decision.
- Allie has a unique perspective of doing three huge things: working at home, working outside the home and being a mother.
- Balance is often an illusion – but at the core: communication is KEY.
- If you can’t articulate what you want or need: you can’t expect other people to understand what you want or need.
- It takes a village when it comes to raising children. Whether that looks like friends, family, or neighbors. We often cannot do this ourselves.
- We compare ourselves to others who have unending support and help and if we don’t have that – it isn’t going to look the same.
- If you HAVE SUPPORT: USE IT! It can be such a pride thing to not accept the help when it’s offered – but if you can put that aside, you won’t regret those few moments of peace.
- That being said – for those of you WITHOUT support – that can be an entirely different ballgame. It’s hard to make friends in this stage of life, but utilizing the people in your circle can be important.
- Balance is often an illusion – but at the core: communication is KEY.
- Our words are really important when it comes to speaking to new moms. I relayed a story about how a nurse in the hospital while I was having Jack told me, “soak all this in now, because when the baby is born, nobody will care or remember you”.
- This statement REALLY stung because as a brand new mom: you STILL need support and help.
- Moms MATTER.
- When the right people surround you, you will NOT have to feel that way.