HI FRIENDS! SO…I did it. I FINALLY launched my podcast – after many I-don’t-think-I-can-do-this self doubt conversation with myself, I finally just DID it. It felt really right to me to eliminate my typical Wednesday postings in order to add this podcast time instead.
*ALSO: big thanks to Emily Broadbent for taking these beautiful headshots. She’s the very best!!*
Let’s chat about the PODCAST! I am SO BEYOND excited about this venture. I’ve been wanting to start this for forever, as I said. I bought my podcast equipment TWO YEARS AGO. Two years. Geez. But, I am actually glad I waited because if I had started it back then, it wouldn’t be what it is today and this is what is NEEDED to be. Here’s the scoop:
Hustle Like A Mother podcast is hosted by ME with guests every week. You can listen in on the conversations I have with other successful mothers-in-business while we chat growing your business, balancing motherhood, and maintaining healthy mental mindsets. I want you to be able to walk away feeling motivated in your business, excited about chasing motherhood AND a dream. I firmly believe you CAN ‘have-it-all’ and I’m going to help you get there. You can expect topics like: motherhood + business, successful mothers-in-business interviews, business growth tips, mental health advocacy and more.
I already have THREE episodes live so you can binge while you wait for next Wednesday (that’s when they’ll drop). You can listen everywhere podcasts are available (Google Play, Apple Podcasts + Spotify) and you will find me under Hustle Like A Mother Podcast! If you LOVE IT, I would LOVE if you left and review and 5-star rating! It helps so much to allow me to be found and recommended to others. I’m beyond excited about this – and I really hope you guys are, too. If you EVER have a topic recommendation, want to be interviewed on the podcast as a guest or want to recommend someone to be interviewed – DM me on instagram @hustlelikeamotherpodcast or send me an email at [email protected]!
Apple Podcast | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Play

It’s such a blessing being able to work from home and raise my sweet boy – and I hope this podcast speaks to those of you who want that to be a reality for you, too.
Are you ready to Hustle Like A Mother? Let me know what that phrase means to you in the comments below!