Today we are going to be chatting about Jack’s 9-11 month diet and food schedule. We’ve had a bit of a rough go of it solids-wise so the fact that he can have 3 meals a day is amazing these days. Jack as sensory issues with food texture and often gags or throws up if he struggles with a certain texture. We’ve had to slowly introduce different things and be really patient with his food journey. We are finally on a path to enjoying meals together and we have a schedule that works for us almost every day. If you’ve been looking for a food schedule (pediatrician approved) – here’s what we use! But as always: I’m not a doctor, and Jack’s doctor has only passed this off for HIM specifically. If your child as certain dietary needs or restrictions, please talk with your doctor first. Let’s dive into this.

What Jack Eats In A Day – Our Solids Journey


4am – Breastfeed for 10min, then back to sleep

7am – Breastfeed for 10min & up for the day!

8:30a – breakfast / snack: crunchy, protein + sweet (example meal: cheerios, scrambled eggs, strawberries) with 1-2oz water

10:30-11a – 4oz sippy cup breastmilk

12:30-1p – lunch / snack: crunchy + baby food (example meal: puffs or cheerios + baby pouch)

3p – 4oz sippy cup breastmilk

5-5:30p – dinner: crunchy, protein + sweet (example meal: puffs, grilled chicken, peaches) with 1-2oz  water

7p – Breastfeed for 10min, and then right to sleep

10-11p – Breastfeed for last time before mom goes to bed

SO the above list is an example schedule of what Jack’s day typically looks like. The times can be shifted depending on what time he wakes up in the morning but this is pretty close to our daily routine. I try to give him variety in his meals so he isn’t bored with the same thing, while trying to expand his palette to new foods.

For baby purees, we like white leaf provisions and beechnut baby pouches. They’re healthy and organic, and I feel good about him eating those and getting all the nutrients he needs during the day.

We have been doing more baby led weaning at dinner time, so often J’s protein is whatever protein we are eating for our meal, just cut up into little bite sized pieces. He loves pulled pork, grilled chicken, steak, salami. We have tried to introduce him to lots of different types of protein.

Some other foods you can try that Jack really likes:

  • plain noodles
  • Mac n cheese
  • string cheese
  • ritz crackers
  • blueberries
  • raspberries
  • watermelon
  • greek yogurt + peanut butter
  • pancakes

Try to give them a little bit of what you are eating so they can get used to different flavors of food. Jack has also been known to enjoy a good tomato basil soup because he saw me eating it.

The challenge with feeding Jack a lot of the time is the fact that he has a super sensitive gag reflux and sensory issues when it comes to texture. We had to start really slow and we still have to introduce things slowly in order for him to eat them. So don’t feel bad if you feel like your baby is “behind” on what they should or shouldn’t be eating. My doctor likes to say “food before 1 is just for fun”. It’s important they are introduced to a bunch of different kinds of foods to assess for allergies and get them on a good path to a good diet for the future – but don’t sweat it if they don’t like what you feed them one day. As long as they are getting the right amount of breastmilk or formula, they’re going to be ok.

A GREAT resource for finding new things to feed your baby is Kallie Branciforte’s YouTube video about what her toddler eats in a day. You can watch it HERE!

ALSO bonus – You can shop White Leaf Provisions HERE and use code TAYLOR for 15% off!!!

I hope this schedule is help for you – and I hope you feel less alone if you have a really picky eater. I TOTALLY get it.

What foods do you little ones like to eat?! Let us know in the comments below!

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