Happy FRI-YAY. Can you even believe it’s time for another Monthly Obsessions post. Like. Where did July go?!?!? I am not prepared for August AT ALL. Anyways – I am so excited to bring you my 10 favorite things for the month and to share with you what I’m loving most in July! We’ve got everything from new makeup releases the you HAVE TO HAVE, a pair of shoes that will most likely change your life (and you can quote me on that), the Starbucks drink you’ve GOTTA try and more. Let’s jump right into it.

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

Boxy Charm Subscription Box

Alright. So. I’m kind of a subscription box junkie. I’ve tried MANY MANY subscription boxes. I would consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur when it comes to them, tbh. I have been receiving the Boxy Charm box for a couple months now – and no other subscription boxes can compare. I love that I get full sized products in every box and that the boxes are themed. That is fun for me. I love seeing what new theme they come out with every month. I’ve gotten full sized palette, full sized setting sprays, full sized mascaras and I haven’t been disappointed with a product yet. In fact – a few of the products I’ve received have become holy grail products. For $21 a month you get 5 full size products. And they’re GOOD products. 10/10.

All things sunflower related

So. I’m currently working on a super secret project with my photographer Erin (stay tuned!) and we ended up in a sunflower field a few weeks ago and literally all my dreams came true and I remembered how much I love sunflowers and that was it. I’ve been doodling them, pining them, obsessing over the shoot in the sunflower field, painting sunflowers on my nails, creating makeup looks surrounding sunflowers…it’s obnoxious at this point. #sorrynotsorry #sunflowersforever 

Anastasia Beverly Hills “Norvina” Palette

Ok. So. I just got this palette. But upon swatching and testing this palette out it immediately moved to the my monthly obsessions post. Is that dramatic? Yes. Do I care? 0% care. I knew I had to get the hands on it the second it launched – pinks and purples are my makeup JAMMMM. I know quite a few beauty gurus were having trouble with the formula but I haven’t had any issues so far – and you can stay tuned for my first impression and tutorial video coming next Thursday. If you love pastel colors and oinks and purples and coppers – you’re gonna wanna just go ahead and make an order. Just do it.

Cream Wrap Booties (Downeast Basics)

Let me be an infomercial for like 2 secs. DO YOU NEED A BOOTIE THAT WILL MAKE A STATEMENT? THAT IS GOOD FOR SUMMER AND FALL? THAT IS THE PERFECT NEUTRAL COLOR? THEN DO I HAVE THE SHOE FOR YOU. Ok. Infomercial over. All jokes aside – I can’t stop wearing these shoes. I am actually obsessed with the shape of them. Without fail – I get compliments on them every time I wear them out and they are insanely comfortable. I love the way they look with dresses and with cropped jeans and with shorts. They are SO versatile. You need them. Thank me later.

Starbucks Pink Drink

Hi. Have you met my instagram page? Ever looked at my stories? Aka watched me drink a Pink Drink every single day of my life? Yeah? No? Ok. Cool. If you are looking for a sweet, refreshing drink for the summertime that will also look amazing on say, an instagram feed, this is the drink for you. It’s this perfect pink color and it’s SO YUMMY that I literally crave it on the DAILY. I had to actually like calm down because I was going every single day to the Starbucks right outside my house and it was getting out of hand. Anyways. I love it. Always. Forever.

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

Zella Joggers

So, I bought these Zella joggers during the Nordstrom sale before they officially opened for the public and…well…I haven’t taken them off since that day. I know you think I’m probably joking. But I think I’ve worn them to work (aka my office down the hall from my bedroom) every single day. They are so flattering that I don’t even mind the fact that I have worn them out of the house 4 days in a row. They are soft, comfortable, the perfect jogger gray and they have pockets. They look adorable with my Adidas superstars for that ~ athleisure ~ type look.

Drunk Elephant Skincare

I thought people were joking when they were talking about how amazing Drunk Elephant skincare was. I watched Youtube video after Youtube video on the skincare brand and was like “nahhh the cleanser I’m using now it totally fine”. Then they sent me some products to test out (this isn’t sponsored – they were just PR products) and. Well. I’m hooked. Which is unfortunate because the baby facial product that I love so much is $80 for one bottle. LOL. If you guys want me to do more of a full review of the brand vs just some first impressions – let me know.

Pinteresting pretty homes (I literally cannot stop)

You guys know that Adam and I are shopping for our first home right now (we see more houses this weekend) and so while Adam stalks new uploads on Zillow, I’m pinning more house inspiration that we could ever afford. #whoops We know whatever house we buy will probably need some work when it comes to bathrooms and kitchens so I’ve been pinning my favorite bathroom and kitchen inspiration pictures and it’s so much fun finding ideas A & I both love. I love house hunting with my hubby  – this is such a fun adventure for us! 

All things Taylor Swift

I’ve been obsessed with Taylor Swift since I was 14 years old. Almost a decade now. I feel like I’ve grown with her music and each album of hers means something different to me. I was able to go to my very first concert of hers a few weeks ago with the #bloguad and I was blown away. I’ve been trying to get tickets to see her in concert for years and have never been able to get the tickets before they sold out so the fact that I was able to have such good seats and see her SO CLOSE in person was an actual dream come true. The next thing on my tswift bucket list is meeting her! BECAUSE OF THIS: I’ve gone back to all her older albums and I’ve been playing her on repeat since the concert. #swiftieforlyfe

Nail Art

ALL I WANT IS A PINEAPPLE ON MY NAIL. If you watched the nail saga on my instagram story like two months ago you’ll know – I had been waiting for weeks to go in and get my nails done for a trip I was going on and I had saved a picture of these nails with pineapples on them and I wore my pineapple shoes and wore my pineapple earrings and I felt so cute and I was SO READY FOR THESE FUN NAILS BECAUSE I NEVER BRANCH OUT and the tech said she didn’t know how to do it and I had to get something plain and boring (excuse the horrific run on sentence that just happened). Anyways. I’ve now found a tech that specializes in gel nails and nail art and I’m going in two weeks before my trip to Charleston to get my stupid pineapple nails. I’m not over it. Now I can’t stop pinning and instagramming nail art and I’m excited to finally get something fun on my hands soon!

Nail Art  ALL I WANT IS A PINEAPPLE ON MY NAIL. If you watched the nail saga on my instagram story like two months ago you'll know - I had been waiting for weeks to go in and get my nails done for a trip I was going on and I had saved a picture of these nails with pineapples on them and I wore my pineapple shoes and wore my pineapple earrings and I felt so cute and I was SO READY FOR THESE FUN NAILS BECAUSE I NEVER BRANCH OUT and the tech said she didn't know how to do it and I had to get something plain and boring (excuse the horrific run on sentence that just happened). Anyways. I've now found a tech that specializes in gel nails and nail art and I'm going in two weeks before my trip to Charleston to get my stupid pineapple nails. I'm not over it. Now I can't stop pinning and instagramming nail art and I'm excited to finally get something fun on my hands soon!

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

July 2018 Monthly Obsessions


July 2018 Monthly Obsessions

I hope you guys loved this month’s monthly obsessions as much as I did. I can’t wait for August because I am going to Charleston with Erica from Coming Up Roses, her mama and my mama and it’s going to be the mother-daughter trip of the year. 😉 July had a lot going on with travel and surgery and just LIFE so I’m happy to have a more chill month ahead before the insane crazy schedule that will be September.

ANYWAYS. What were YOU loving this month?? Let me know in the comments below!

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