Happy THURSDAY, everyone!!! It’s time for another Halloween tutorial – and this is honestly probably the easiest one you’ll do yet! This tutorial is literally only 6 minutes long because you don’t need a ton of time to put this together. If you are a creative type, and are looking for a way to showcase this on Halloween this year – look no further than the Painter’s Canvas tutorial. Everyone knows a makeup artist’s canvas is her face, so we took it a step further. On one half, you’ll see the blank canvas. On the other half, you’ll see the abstract work of art!
RECOMMENDED COSTUME: Black turtle neck, black beret, and a painted palette! You can find all of this for under $20 on Amazon.
Makeup Forever Flash Palette: blue, yellow, pink and black
Makeup FX water based paint in white
Ben Nye cream paint in clown white
Like I said, this painter’s canvas look really isn’t a ton of work but it does look really cool and will definitely grab some compliments at your next Halloween party and points for unique-ness!
PRO TIP: The only alternative suggestion I have would be to use ALL water-based paints if you are planning on wearing this all evening somewhere. The flash palette is amazing but those paints do not dry down and if you bump your face at all or if someone else bumps it….your entire makeup look is ruined because it will smear. On you, on whoever touched you, on clothing. I didn’t mind because I washed it off after this – but for longevity’s sake, I HIGHLY recommend water-based or alcohol-based paints for this look.
Did you enjoy this makeup look?! Is it something you’d wear yourself?! Let me know in the comments below!