Happy FRI-YAY! Thanksgiving is quickly approaching — and we are so excited. Louisiana here we come! Today we are talking all things tradition when it comes to this festive holiday. Adam and I are still trying to put together traditions for our own little family, while keeping traditions from both of our childhood’s growing up. When you get married, there are things you both bring to the table and meshing those traditions and memories is a big part of a successful marriage! There are so many traditions I want to try (I’m kind of a tradition junkie) so I rounded up my top 10 Thanksgiving traditions I want to start this year with my hubby. Let’s do this.

10 Thanksgiving Traditions To Start This Year

#1: A big breakfast — AND a big dinner!

Here’s the thing. There is never enough food on Thanksgiving for me. So what if — and hear me out — instead of eating 2000 calories at dinner, we ALSO eat an EXTRA 2000 at breakfast? We might explode but I feel like this would be worth it. As long as I’m not the one cooking the food.

#2: Early morning walk to contemplate what you’re thankful for.

I think in the midst of all the Thanksgiving hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget to take a moment for ourselves to remember what we’re thankful for. Taking just a few moments the morning of thanksgiving can also mentally prepare you for the hours of cooking you are bound to be doing.

#3: Put a butcher cloth on the table so that everyone can write what they’re thankful for.

Not only is it a fun idea, but it also can keep the kids busy. Being able to draw on the table keeps little hands occupied. Plus side to this idea? You can tear off the ones you find particularly meaningful and save them. 🙂

10 Thanksgiving Traditions To Start This Year

#4: Video chat with your far away fam!

If you are having thanksgiving alone or with just your SO this year, take some time during the day to video chat with your family that couldn’t make it. It can almost be like they’re with you on this day of thanks!

#5: Make yourself some pinecone place settings.

For YEARS my sister and I would make personalized place cards for each member attending Thanksgiving dinner at our house. Sometimes they would just be little note cards, other times they were napkin holders…but my FAVORITE place card year was the year of the pine cones. We spray painted pine cones with glitter and they were beautiful and I wish I had pine cone place cards every year. #sorrynotsorry

#6: Create the perfect centerpiece for the table.

Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, Target…there are so many places to put together the perfect centerpiece. It doesn’t have to be super elaborate, just something to make your table look homey and inviting. Some options are 3 tiered candles, pumpkin or gourd settings, or even just a beautiful low-sitting flower display!

10 Thanksgiving Traditions To Start This Year

#7: Split that wishbone.

We used to do this as kids and I kind of wish that we still did. I love the symbolism of the wishbone. I think everyone could use some good luck throughout the year, right? Why not give yourself a little push in the right direction. Plus, if it breaks evenly in half, you both get your wishes granted. 😉

#8: Make a toast!

Every year, I think someone should make a toast. Celebrate the last year! It’s crazy how much happens in 365 days. Babies are born, people get married, cats are adopted…..STUFF HAPPENS. Toast to the amazing people you all became and for good fortune in the coming year. 

#9: Finish with a pumpkin pie and a board game.

Ok, it doesn’t need need to be pumpkin. But finish with a yummy dessert! Dinner is great but I feel like people BOND over dessert. Pies, cakes, cookies, ice cream…you need to have it all, honestly. Make a point have the evening end with yummy desert and a rousing game of monopoly. Maybe not monopoly though because that’s been known break families apart. But choose a fun game everyone can enjoy!

30-Day Thankfulness Challenge

#10: A fun game of flag football!

Now — I’m not a sports girl (gasp – WHAT? I know, I know. It’s shocking) but I do love to watch my husband kick some butt in flag football. He was on a team in college and looked dang good out there on the field. 😉 But for real — Turkey Bowls are real things and they can be a total blast. Throw on your fleece lined leggings and football jerseys and work off some of the meal you’re about to eat!


10 Thanksgiving Traditions To Start This Year

I hope you found some amazing new traditions to try this year. I love this time of year — we get to see family we don’t often see, and enjoy time together that we just don’t get during the rest of the year. Plus the food. So much food. 

I plan on trying AT LEAST some of these this year, and feeding in more of them as the years go on. What are YOUR favorite Thanksgiving traditions?? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. What a great round up of ideas. I like the butcher paper table cloth idea, such a good keepsake for when the kids get older. The pinecones are a cute idea for the littles too!

  2. Oh my goodness! Can’t wait for the boys in my family to get a little bigger so they can play football games with each other… although, every time I think about this, all I think about is Wedding Crashers!

  3. Our family has a few traditions in place that I absolutely love. For our kids, we make a thankful tree that they can write what they are thankful for on a leaf and add it to the tree. By the end of the month, the tree is covered in blessings. 🙂

  4. I love your ideas! Our family gathering includes an index card on each table setting asking for their name and connection to the host and to read an interesting historical fact about the origin of Thanksgiving. We variate the questions each year and simplify them for younger ones!

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