You’ll love starting a business, they said! It’ll be fun, they said! You’ll have SO MUCH FREEDOM, they said! While those 3 things are MOSTLY true – there is SO MUCH that goes into a business that isn’t any of those things. And honestly, I wish I had known a lot of that before I dove head first into the world of entrepreneurship. This isn’t meant to discourage you in ANY WAY – I whole heartedly believe we all have the ability to work for ourselves and make our own dreams a complete reality. BUT it helps to have all the facts going into something! Let’s dive into this.

What I Wish I Had Known When Starting A Business

Work-life balance will not exist in the beginning.

Your business will pretty much become a living, breathing entity and it WILL be like your baby.

You are going to lose friends over this.

You are also going to MAKE friends from this (those friendships will be so much healthier).

You are going to want to start a million other businesses once your first one starts taking off.

Some nights you are going to stay up way too late working on a new project.

You are going to get anxiety when things aren’t doing as well as you want (or need) them to.

The night before a big launch is like going to Disneyworld.

You are going to discover that you actually can wear #allthehats – and end up being pretty good at a lot of things.

You will also discover there are some things that are truly just out of your zone of genius – and you will learn to delegate.

You will realize you cannot do this without an army of people who love you and support you.

You are going to fall head over heels in love with helping make other people’s lives better.

You are going to fail sometimes. It’s okay.

You will also have SO. MANY. WINS.

Life is going to be better because you decided to try, I promise you that.

Friend, starting a business isn’t for the faint of heart. But honestly, it’s been the very best decision I’ve ever made. I’ve been able to build something that keeps growing and that truly lights a fire in me.

And what is even more amazing – I also get to help other women do the exact same thing. In case you didn’t know, I have a 90-day business strategy program, Boss & Ambitious! My August 2020 program opens today and if you are interested in taking your side hustle and turning it into a full-time income – I would LOVE for you to check it out! Doors will close August 5th and spots are limited. Click HERE to find out if this program is what you’ve been looking for. You can also schedule a 30-min complimentary clarity call with me HERE to ask any questions you make have.

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