Today’s episode is led by Cherie as she takes us through the founding of Saalt, a company aiming to modernize reusable period care. We discuss where she was in her motherhood journey and how that shaped the business she built – as well as the stumbling blocks she came upon and the advice she has for women aspiring to be as successful as Saalt!

The Global Success Story of Saalt Co with Cherie Hoeger

Cherie Hoeger is the CEO & Co-founder of Saalt. In 2018, Saalt launched its flagship product—the Saalt period cup—with the vision of making cleaner, more sustainable period care accessible to everyone. Leading Saalt’s social impact efforts, Cherie began networking with impact partners to provide their period cups to underprivileged girls and women so they could confidently manage their periods, stay in school, and lift themselves out of poverty. Now in their third year in business, Saalt has donated over 19,000 cups in over thirty-four countries to create a wave of informed cup users who then act as mentors for other donation recipients. Before starting Saalt, Cherie had been an entrepreneur in multiple ecommerce ventures and worked as a technical writer with fifteen years of publication experience. Most recently, she co-authored seven editions of collegiate textbooks in the field of fitness and wellness. Cherie is the mother of five daughters, and considers them her greatest success.



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  • To me, hustling like a mother means to do whatever it takes to be successful. Motherhood is really the ultimate hustle and the hands-on experience you get from motherhood, really so much to condition you for the hustle and grit that’s required to be a successful entrepreneur.
  • I believe that as women, we have to find these creative solutions and we have to model this behavior for the other people in our company, for the women that look up to us, for our own children. Because if not, who is going to be able to show that we can be entrepreneurs, that we can change the world and also be mothers and we can be powerhouses at both.
  • We really come from this patriarchal structure that needs to change. And we, as women need to be the ones who change it and educate others. We can rethink and create our own work environments in the way that we want.
  • I think this is key for entrepreneurs – to find opportunity when there is a hole in the marketplace, but also when there are stigmas for when there needs to be a shift in how something is perceived.
  • As soon as a girl starts her period overseas, you start to see school drop out rates. Solving this one problem of menstruation can literally break cycles of poverty. This is just as important as solving hygiene and solving other factors that contribute to poverty alleviation.
  • Look to other successful women and mothers like those on this podcast and be inspired because there’s so much that we can learn from the incredible females that have paved the way and found solutions that they’re so happy to share.
  • We can be incredible examples of being both powerful moms and also artful drivers for change in the world.

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