Happy Fri-YAY, everyone!! If you are new here – I’m 30 weeks pregnant with my son right now. This is my first pregnancy, and it’s MOSTLY been great. Aside from the gestational diabetes test failure the first time around (I passed the second time – thank GOODNESS), baby boy is healthy and so am I. I contribute feeling good to the fact that I’ve have stayed active for a large part of this pregnancy (except when I was SO SICK during the first trimester). A few of you have asked what I’ve been doing to keep my exercise up – so here we go!
My Pregnancy Workout Routine
So, let’s start at the beginning. I’m not someone who regularly works out. I have a gym membership that prior to pregnancy, I rarely used. I actually almost canceled it the week before we found out we were pregnant. After my first appointment with my OB, I learned that women who stay active and regularly exercise (30 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week) have easier pregnancies and labor, and their recovery is faster and less painful than those who don’t.
That was enough to convince me! We were struggling with infertility before our sweet surprise (read our story here), and I wanted to do everything I could to make sure that I was taking the best care of my body and my baby as I possibly could. SO the gym membership stayed and I started making a plan!
The bulk of my workout plan revolves around really low intensity walking. I walk 40 minutes, 4-5 times a week at 3-3.5 speed on the treadmill. That equates to about 1.5 miles. So weekly, I have been walking 6-7.5 miles a week. I definitely can tell a difference in my legs and bum for sure, and it does burn between 130-200 calories so that makes me feel good, too, since your metabolism slows down during pregnancy.
I also sometimes skip the gym and walk the dog, as well. There is a trail right by our house that loops exactly a mile and a half so we do one loop and by that time, I’m usually tired and ready to sit down anyways. It’s great for me, and great for the dog. I plan on continuing this loop during the summer after baby boy gets here in his stroller! It should be a great way to get back into shape and get my little dude out for some fresh air.
Some other things I have been mixing in when I can are low intensity cardio workouts at home. I have loved heading to YouTube for these easy at home videos. I followed first, second and now third trimester work outs about once or twice a week. They take about 20 minutes and I do them on the days I am not walking. These workouts typically involve low intensity moves like lunges, knee push ups, step routines and light arm strength movements. They have been easy for me to keep up with so far, and I like that they don’t take very long. I don’t prioritize stamina and length of workouts as much as I do getting my heart rate up and moving my body for at least 30 minutes every day.
So to break it down for you, here is what a typical week looks like for me:
Monday: 40 minute walk at the gym OR lunch time walk with the dog
Tuesday: 40 minute walk at the gym OR lunch time walk with the dog
Wednesday: 20 minute at home workout OR REST
Thursday: 40 minute walk at the gym OR lunch time walk with the dog
Friday: Afternoon walk with Adam around the loop OR 20 minute at home workout
Saturday: Afternoon walk with Adam around the loop OR 20 minute at home workout
Sunday: REST
I like to give myself the option on Wednesday to take a break if I am not feeling super energetic. I don’t religiously stick to this – some days I switch depending on our schedule but this is pretty close. My favorite days, of course, are when I get to walk with Adam and we just get to talk and enjoy each other’s company when he gets off work.
Hopefully this will help those of you who are struggling to get into a good habit and routine while pregnant! It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, unless you were working out really hard prior to pregnancy. I wasn’t – so for me, light exercise is best. I have managed to maintain the exact amount of weight gain I am supposed to for this part of the pregnancy, which both I and my doctor feel really good about.
What did you do to stay active during pregnancy? Let me know in the comments below!
You look too too cute! Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy! Hugs, Kait Elizabeth
These are awesome workouts babe and a great way to stay active during pregnancy! Love your top too!
cute & little
Way to go for staying active! I walked a lot, especially during the end of my pregnancy. I don’t have any other pregnancy to compare it to, but I think being active helped me. I don’t think my delivery was all that bad!
Girl, you are looking fabulous. Staying active is so important when you are pregnant.
You look absolutely gorgeous! I love that exercising while pregnant is not a taboo anymore. It’s actually good for the baby and the momma’s body. I hope that you enjoyed your Mother’s Day.
Candace Hampton
Good for you for exercising while pregnant! I see expecting mom’s in my yoga classes sometimes and it’s so encouraging!
This is such a great way to stay active, while been pregnant! Can’t wait to try it soon.
That’s a great routine. Many women think that pregnancy gets in the way of staying active but even a walk is good.
Xx, Nailil
A walking trail with my pup is a favorite fitness activity of mine! I love these light suggestions 🙂
-xo, Azanique | https://www.lotsofsass.com