Take this time to really soak in how you can work on YOU! New Years are always such a great time to reflect on who you are, and who you’d really like to be. Take a moment to read these 15 mantras and incorporate them into your life! Let’s jump into this!
- Stop letting your insecurities own you. You are more than your outward appearance. You are more than what people say behind your back. So let go of what holds you back and find a new you.
- You are allowed to say no. Say it. Feel’s good, right? You are allowed to decide what you can and can’t have on your plate at one time. Just because someone asks, doesn’t mean you can’t find a polite way to say, “I’m sorry, but not today.” Most importantly, you come first.
- Stop getting in the way of yourself. Stop limiting yourself and what you can do. No more excuses, no more complaints. Figure out what it is you want and take it.
- Embrace the inevitable change that is life. The sooner you learn to love the ups and downs, the happier you will be. Yes, change is hard, nobody is denying that. But, it doesn’t have to be miserable.
- Own up to your own mistakes. Gone are the days when you can blame your wrong doings on your older sibling and get away with it. No one is going to take the fall for you. So get comfortable with accepting your consequences and learning from them. It will make you a better person.
- Stop treating your body like it is disposable. It’s not. Eat healthier, exercise. You have to live in it, so you might as well make it enjoyable.
- Laugh more.
- Don’t take your education for granted. There are so many places in this world where you couldn’t even get an education if you wanted it. Or where there are limitations to the amount of education you can receive. We are so fortunate to be able to have endless opportunities.
- Words are incredibly powerful. They can never be forgotten, only forgiven. Words can build up others, but they can also tear them down. Watch what you say.
- Silence is just as powerful. Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth closed. Sometimes what you don’t say, means just as much as what you do.
- Express your opinions. The best thing about an opinion is not everybody has to have the same one. Therefore be proud of your own beliefs.
- Be proud of who you are. Someone gave you a compliment? Say thank you. Believe them. Love your eyes, or your hair or the shoes you are wearing. Love that you are compassionate or funny. Recognize your strengths and don’t undermine them. Being confident and being conceited are not the same thing.
- Accept criticism graciously. Understand the difference between constructive criticism and an insult. Because they are indeed different.
- Be honest, but tactful. You don’t have to sacrifice honesty in order to be tactful. There is always a polite way to say something.
- Leave behind people who don’t treat you the way you deserve. You are allowed to end toxic friendships. So surround yourself with people who make you a better person.
I hope you are ready to tackle the new year head on!
SO SO SO IN LOVE WITH THIS! I cannot wait to keep up with your journey! 🙂
Thank you so much, You are so sweet! 🙂 Let 2016 begin, right?!
Totally! Can’t wait to keep in touch! 🙂
LOVE this post – so much! My ‘word of the year’ for 2016 is ‘NO’, so number two on your list totally resonated with me!
Thank you so much!! That is my word of the year, too! 🙂